Sunday, October 13, 2013

Blogpost no.4: Attempted Escape

A prison escape or prison break is the act of an inmate leaving prison illegally. Escaping from prison is also a criminal offense in some countries like America and Russia, and will to result in additional prison sentence to the inmate or being beaten up or placed under increased security. Many prisons use security features such as motion sensors, CCTV, barred windows, high walls, barbed wire and electric fencing to prevent escapes. In case of Alcatraz, even after escaping the prison wall itself, the strong current of the San Francisco Bay is still another problem for prisoners to overcome.

My family lived in Indonesia for almost 10 years. My mom is always on the look-out for cheap tickets to go home, even if it would mean spending our month's budget in Indonesia with just a few days in Philippines. We are always excited to be with our family , friends and relatives. Sometimes even if the ticket is highly priced, especially on Christmas month, we will still buy the tickets just to be with our loved ones. I guess wanting to be with a loved one is reason enough for prisoners to attempt to escape. Everybody, even the most atrocious criminals have a love one, whether or not, they love them back. I remember a quote by an unknown author that says " The greatest need of a human being is to be loved and appreciated." Whether be it a parent, a sweetheart, a child or a friend, these escapees from Alcatraz risked everything , even their own lives , just to feel that love and appreciation again with their loved one.

I found this article entitled "The Alcatraz Redemption" in damninteresting. This article covers all the unsuccessful attempted escape from Alcatraz. It also consist some famous prisoners and their escape plans. 

According to the author, Marisa Brooks: "Officially, there were never any successful escape attempts from California's notorious Alcatraz Prison. Nicknamed 'The Rock', Alcatraz is located on the tiny island of the same name in San Francisco Bay. It is about one and a quarter miles from the mainland, outside reasonable swimming distance and surrounded by strong ocean currents. This location afforded it formidable defenses against escape. Between 1934 and 1963, when the prison was operating, only fourteen attempts were made; most of the escapees involved were shot by guards or recaptured" 

Reading this article and quote from the author, It makes me wonder, why do they want to escape knowing that there is less chance of survival or success.   A lot of the prisoners have attempted escape even with a very slim chance of success.  Even though the prison escape is not really that high, only 5 out of 36 or only about 14%, the prisoners, whether in or out of Alcatraz, always try to escape.  I guess even if there is only 1% chance, the prisoners will still go for it.  Freedom is really priceless.  People will do anything to gain back what they have taken for granted when they had it.  Reason fro escaping can vary from missing a loved one to as simple as they got to get out of the prison to somewhere they are more familiar with or more comfortable with.

Another article that is interesting is entitled "Escape Attempts" in alcatrazhistory. In this article they listed the 14 most famous escape attempts/plans in Alcatraz and the actual photograph of the prisoner. 

"One of the many myths about Alcatraz is that it was impossible to survive a swim from the island to the mainland because of sharks. In fact, there are no "man-eating" sharks in San Francisco Bay, only small bottom-feeding sharks. The main obstacles were the cold temperature (averaging 50-55 degrees Fahrenheit), the strong currents, and the distance to shore (at least 1-1/4 miles)."

Reading this quote  gives me an idea that life in Alcatraz Prison must have been harder than the word hard ! If a person is well-trained and is in proper shape , it is possible to survive the cold waters and fast currents. However, for prisoners - who had no control over their diet, and with no exercise regime no more than weightlifting,  situps and pushups, the probability of drowning is high.  And without knowledge of high and low tides and no help from outside source,  the odds for success is almost close to zero.

While contemplating on what I need to write in this blog, I feel blessed to be free, to be able to do what I like, to be able to go to places I enjoy and to be with people I love and loves me back.  And freedom always comes with a price.  Losing that freedom will only be because of the consequence of a series of  bad choices.

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